Moon in Taurus

Eclipse Full moon | November 8th

The eclipse full moon happens tonight moving into the stable sign of Taurus. The moon is strong here, the energy focused in endurance, luxury, beauty and physical abundance. Taurus is a hardworking diligent patient sign, with the moon in this placement settling on the 8th of November, know that your month ahead will be baring the fruits of your hard earned labour. Leaving last months fiery Aries dominance, Taurus sign teaches us to ground ourselves, slow down, find consistency, work hard and rest. 

Taurus is a sign of sensual desires, finding comfort in the physical world and spoiling ourselves by investing in material gains. Spend more time with earth signs this month, as it will help you take your projects and investments to another level. Taurus is one of the most powerful signs when it comes to business and pursuit. He may move slow, but trust that his efforts will be rewarded. Many successful entrepreneurs and business celebrities have a main Taurus in their Moon, Venus or Mars placements. In this moon cycle, our Taurus brother teaches us how to slow down, commit and most importantly be objective driven. 

This month Taurus will also bring us an emotional stability that we need. With Scorpio settling in Venus, a Taurus moon passing will help us be retrospective, persevere and tolerate the storms that Scorpio energy tends to overwhelm. Those with dominate water Scorpio and fire Aries, Leo placements will benefit most in this full moon. 

Air signs will find this moon difficult to deal with, as it opposes with air signs spontaneous energy. Remember, we all need a good reset. Dominate air signs can use this time to reflect, slow down and anchor their emotions and inner thoughts in things that are practical and material. Libra dominate signs can find some peace here with Taurus Moon, as they share similar emotional values in comfort, peace and beauty. Meditation, exercise and anything routine orientated is needed at this time. Find ways to ground yourself in nature. With Taurus’s energy, he can help you complete projects and stick to all plans you have neglected. 

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